This publication is a weekly multimedia e-zine dedicated to continuous learning in the area of Biblical and Jewish Studies. Subscribers are offered hundreds of curated educational features that expose them to ancient languages, culture, and history behind various sacred texts and human beliefs. :::
ABOUT THE EDITOR (tap for more)
I am Pinchas (Peter) Shir, curator and editor of this multimedia e-zine. I am an educator who has been lecturing on college campuses and in cyberspace for over a decade. My academic fields are Biblical Studies, Jewish Studies, Second Temple Literature, and the New Testament. My specialty is Distance Education. In Israel, I design and put together dynamic video courses for the Israel Bible Center. In the USA, I provide rabbinic services to a small synagogue community.
I frequently intersect with many Christians of diverse backgrounds who study the Jewish background of the New Testament, the Hebrew language, and ancient Israelite culture. Much of my own research is focused on the context and interpretation of biblical texts and is often tailored to this ever-growing and curious audience. I regularly share my teachings via YouTube, my books are on Amazon, but the bulk of my research insights I release via this e-zine.
I would love for you to study with me...