Pinchas Shir

Pinchas Shir

My research is focused on the interpretations of biblical texts in the contexts of ancient culture, languages, and history.

369 posts
The Message of Joseph's Name
Members Articles

The Message of Joseph's Name

Joseph, the son of Jacob and Rachel (Gen 35:24), is a vibrant character in the Hebrew Bible. We know that God is with Joseph through the ups and downs of his life, but we do not always notice the significance that the Bible assigns to his name. We identify...

Meditative Journey in Israel's Wilderness

Meditative Journey in Israel's Wilderness

Bamidbar (במדבר) means "in the wilderness." It is not just a place but a metaphor for the inner journey, where, in the silence, you can hear the still, small voice of wisdom and discover clarity. As the golden dunes, rocky outcrops, and ancient ruins unfold before your eyes,...

Covenant Relationships
Paid-members >Audio

Covenant Relationships

Human memory can fail, but in the Torah, it’s God who renews his covenant. In Deut 29:12, Hashem speaks about the need to establish his people as a people. It says, leman haqim otkha hayom “to establish you today.” God promised the patriarchs to produce a people, a...

All, Everyone, and Anything in the Bible
Paid-members Articles

All, Everyone, and Anything in the Bible

Everyone knows that translations from one language to another can be misleading, and sometimes important ideas and concepts get lost in translation. When it comes to the Bible, that is true as well. As hard as translators work, the readers can still misconstrue the meaning of the text. The context...

Adonai Roee - a Song Inspired by Psalm 23

Adonai Roee - a Song Inspired by Psalm 23

This song is in English and Hebrew, inspired by the message of Psalm 23. Psalm 23 is one of the most favorite in the Bible. This composition is a meditative journey that prompts you to allow yourself to feel the strength of the Shepherd’s hand as you are led...

The Book of Ben Sira: New Translation
Paid-members >Books

The Book of Ben Sira: New Translation

This extrabiblical Jewish book was written in Hebrew around 2 Century BCE. The book is full of proverbial wisdom teachings, peppered with pre-rabbinic spiritual and moral ideas often resounded in the gospels and in apostolic era letters. Imagine hearing perspectives on death, happiness, honor, shame, sin, money, proper speech, social...

No Judaism in Josephus
Members Video

No Judaism in Josephus

This is a lecture by Daniel Boyarin, who taught at Hebrew University, Yale, Harvard, Yeshiva University, and now lectures at Berkley. Besides being a prolific writer, Professor Boyarin constantly challenges conventional scholarship with ideas that seem provocative but always well-researched. In this lecture, he proposes that Judaism is not an...

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