Pinchas Shir

Pinchas Shir

My research is focused on the interpretations of biblical texts in the contexts of ancient culture, languages, and history.

362 posts
Purity Customs: Food, Hands and Beyond (~2.5 h)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Purity Customs: Food, Hands and Beyond (~2.5 h)

This seminar explains various Jewish purity customs, such as washing hands and avoiding certain foods, as "fences" built around commandments that direct Israelites to be pure as they approach God (like in Ex 30:17-20). If you are not familiar with the rabbinic practice of "building fences&...

Price on Your Head
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Price on Your Head

In our weekly reading, Behukotai, Vaikra ch. 27, Leviticus, we encounter arakhin - valuations related to vows made before Hashem. Torah is a very ancient document, which sometimes means it will be challenging for us to relate to the situations it describes. It speaks to a very different word. Nevertheless,...

The New Testament vs. New Covenant?
Paid-members Articles

The New Testament vs. New Covenant?

What is the difference between “Testament” and “Covenant”? In the Western world, many people are familiar with a “Final Will and Testament” — a legal document read when someone dies. The document expresses the wishes of the deceased, often in connection with estate and inheritance. As a unilateral declaration of one’...

Tu BiShvat: Tithes, 4 Cups and 7 Species
Members >SeminarsVideo

Tu BiShvat: Tithes, 4 Cups and 7 Species

Jump into a segment of the teaching about the symbolism of TuBiShvat delivered in front of a mixed audience of Jews and Christians. To fully appreciate the pattern of restoration and redemption, we explore the agricultural concepts of orlah, bikkurim, and three tithes as they are expressed in the Torah....

Books by Pinchas Shir

Books by Pinchas Shir

If you like perusing, then what are the odds you might enjoy my books? I invite you to consider the titles I highlight below in print, in digital format, or as audiobooks. Paid Subscribers can flip through full digital versions of all these titles inside the READ section....

Holiness and Wholeness
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Holiness and Wholeness

This etiquette of shelomim offering may sound strange to us today if we do not fully grasp the symbolism and the implications of the scenario Torah presents us. Shelomim is a special offering of well-being, shalom, and wholeness. It means everything is well between you and Hashem. A worshipper is...

Musical Journey Through the Wilderness

Musical Journey Through the Wilderness

Meditating and especially hearing God's voice is a challenge in a world filled with noise and distractions. But it's a healthy spiritual exercise, especially if you feel unsettled and agitated. If you have 30 minutes, I invite you to step into the wilderness to rediscover that...

Listen to Chapters 38-43 of 2 Enoch

Listen to Chapters 38-43 of 2 Enoch

The Second Book of Enoch (Slavonic Enoch) or "The Book of Secrets or Enoch" is an ancient Jewish spiritual composition that follows the tradition of 1 Enoch. Analyzing the medieval manuscripts, scholars estimate the text's composition sometime after the second century CE. The "Book of...

Students Discover Relics from Bar Kokhba Revolt

Students Discover Relics from Bar Kokhba Revolt

Israelis tend to take their history seriously, and it is not unusual for students to assist archaeologists to excavating, for example, the remains of a Jewish settlement dating to the Second Temple period. A group of Jerusalem high school students were searching the past to help finance their future. In...

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