Pinchas Shir

Pinchas Shir

My research is focused on the interpretations of biblical texts in the contexts of ancient culture, languages, and history.

358 posts
Psalm 1 in Hebrew with English Translation

Psalm 1 in Hebrew with English Translation

Psalm 1 describes two paths, two choices, and two directions that one can take in life. If you are on Hashem's path be strengthened. If you are not, wake up! Let these ancient words speak to you wherever you are. ATTENTION: To engage with media inside your email,...

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Jeremiah (~2.5 hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Jeremiah (~2.5 hrs)

In this first lecture, we delve into the intricate details of the Book of Jeremiah, looking at Chapters 1-30, and examining its structure, themes, and historical context. A systematic approach connects historical events and prophetic messages in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the text. We discuss the setting...

Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins by George Nickelsburg
Paid-members >Books

Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins by George Nickelsburg

In his book Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins, Professor George Nickelsburg examines the historical, religious, and social contexts of Second Temple Judaism (roughly 516 BCE to 70 CE) and how they influenced early Christianity. Nickelsburg explores topics like Jewish beliefs, messianic expectations, scriptural interpretations, and apocalyptic literature, showing how these...

Making Israel Jealous?
Members Articles

Making Israel Jealous?

In Romans 11, Shaul, apostle to the gentiles, writes, “Have they [Israelites] stumbled so as to fall? Certainly not! But through their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make them jealous (παραζηλῶσαι αὐτούς; parazelosai autous).” It’s not uncommon to hear that, according to this verse,...

Life and Blood

Life and Blood

In Vayikra, in Leviticus 17, we encounter a number of verses about not eating blood. Some of us may cringe when we read through them. We wonder… Should it not be self-evident to most people that this is not something good? No. Apparently not. Throughout history, this has not been...

Why Smile at the Future?

Why Smile at the Future?

Some of my favorite things about the people who surround me are their warm and happy smiles. It does not take much to quickly crack a few muscles in your face, to smile, and show a positive disposition towards someone else. It takes so little effort, yet it can mean...

A Name at the Bottom of the Sea

A Name at the Bottom of the Sea

In 2016 during an underwater excavation in the Mediterranean Sea, Israeli archaeologists from Haifa University uncovered a large stone with an ancient inscription. The writing was determined to be roughly 1900 years old and bore the name of mostly unknown procurator of Judea - Gargilius Antiquus. Curious? Watch this short...

Fists & Ritual Handwashing in Mark 7:3

Fists & Ritual Handwashing in Mark 7:3

Remember a story in the Gospel where some pious Jews asked Jesus about his disciples not washing their hands before they ate? What was the big deal with handwashing? You may not know this, but most Bible translations have struggled to translate these sentences quite a bit. Translators have come...

Remove the Ashes
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Remove the Ashes

Our weekly reading begins with explanations about the burnt offerings. Offerings can teach us a lot. Vayikra, Leviticus 6:2 tells us that Aaron was to leave the Olah on the altar all night long, and the fire is to be maintained by the priests all night long. I believe...

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