A remarkable Jewish book came out of Egypt in the second century BCE. It's an impressive collection of Proverbs-like teachings of a Jew named Yeshua, son of Eleazar, son of Sira. The book's prologue tells us that a grandson found his grandfather's teachings and decided to translate them into Greek so that everyone could learn from them. This extrabiblical Jewish book addresses ancient Jewish views on death, happiness, honor, shame, sin, money, proper speech, social justice, table manners, and women. The book covers so much ground, but like many ancient books, its language can be hard to follow. However, I recently published an updated, easy-to-read version of the book, and I invite all my readers to hear a sample.

My new translation is on Amazon (in paper, e-book and audio format), however, paid subscribers to PSHIR.COM can read it and flip through all the pages of the book right here!

The Book of Ben Sira: New Translation
This extrabiblical Jewish book was written in Hebrew around 2 Century BCE. The book is full of proverbial wisdom teachings, peppered with pre-rabbinic spiritual and moral ideas often resounded in the gospels and in apostolic era letters. Imagine hearing perspectives on death, happiness, honor, shame, sin, money, proper speech, social