The First Book of Enoch (Ethiopian Enoch), also known as "The Book of Watchers," is a well-known Jewish composition from the Second Temple era.
"These are the words of Enoch, who bestowed a blessing upon the chosen and righteous who will exist during the days of great trouble when the wicked and impious will be eradicated. Enoch, a righteous man, received a special revelation from God. His eyes were opened, enabling him to witness a sacred vision in the celestial realms..."
If you enjoyed listening, just consider that in antiquity, most people did not read books; they listened to them. Whether they heard a story of someone else actually reading out loud, this is how spiritual content was frequently consumed.
I am all about books, but listening is a wholly different experience. This video is an actual narration of the 1 Enoch I published on Audible. If you enjoy audiobooks, you probably know about what Audible offers.

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