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English Translation of Peshitta by George Lamsa
Paid-members >Books

English Translation of Peshitta by George Lamsa

Geroge M. Lamsa was a native Aramaic speaker born in the Middle East. He translated the Aramaic Peshitta Bible, which means "simple" or "straight," into English. Without going into arguments of manuscript primacy, Aramaic was indeed spoken broadly in the first century across the entire Levant...

Unavoidable Humility
Members >AudioAudio

Unavoidable Humility

Sometimes people genuinely lack humility, and they are totally unaware of it. People can be very proud and self-important, conceited, pumped up about themselves, and have an inflated view of themselves. Sometimes people are arrogant and stubborn, overconfident, snobbish, obstinate, braggadocios, and pompous. Most of us see these character qualities,...

Dear PSHIR.COM readers

Dear PSHIR.COM readers

Dear PSHIR.COM readers, thanks to you, my e-zine has really grown! In September of 2022, my new e-zine had only a couple of hundred subscribers, and now, a year later, my digital publication is quickly zooming towards two thousand free subscribers. The paid subscriber pool that supports my publication...

The Son of Man and The Serpent
Members Articles

The Son of Man and The Serpent

One of the best-known verses from the Gospels is John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world..." But just before that, Jesus said, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes...

Messiah and the End of Days in Qumran Scrolls
Members Video

Messiah and the End of Days in Qumran Scrolls

This is a lecture by Prof. Schiffman. Though it was delivered some time ago (2006), most of the material Rabbi Shiffman presents is still relevant and may be new and eye-opening to someone who has not studied the topic before. If you are up to spending an hour with an...

New Discoveries in Judean Desert

New Discoveries in Judean Desert

By now everyone has heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls. And this region of the world continues to furnish the research community with more archaeological discoveries. Another cave in the Judean desert was recently explored. This cave is known today as the "cave of horrors," and the main...

Revelation as a Jewish Apocalypse (~2hrs)
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Revelation as a Jewish Apocalypse (~2hrs)

Are you puzzled by the visions of John's Revelation? Many people find his book inspirational and very interesting, but it remains a veiled message. These are audio excerpts from several lectures I gave live on "How to Read the Book of Revelation as Jewish Literature." The...

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