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No Shirt, No Shoes...
Paid-members >AudioAudio

No Shirt, No Shoes...

On the one hand, Leviticus offers us dull instructions for something that does not even happen anymore. The Temple has been destroyed for almost 2000 thousand years now. But on the other hand, these instructions to Aaron show us something significant about God and his expectation of how we are...

Who Needs Temple Sacrifices?
Paid-members Articles

Who Needs Temple Sacrifices?

There is a common sentiment among those who embrace Christ – “Jesus paid it all. That is all you need for atonement of sin”. This is very true, but much more needs to be said about sacrifices in this context. There is a common and naïve assumption that all sacrifices are...

Mishna: English Translation by Herbert Danby
Paid-members >Books

Mishna: English Translation by Herbert Danby

The Mishna is a collection of written traditions of the oral Torah in the form of discussion. These discussions were preserved by the rabbis of the first and second centuries CE. A number of English translations of this ancient document are in existence. This English translation of the Mishnah by...

The New Year of the Trees
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

The New Year of the Trees

The New Year of the Trees – rosh hashanah la'ilanot (ראש השנה לאילנות) is a special day on the Jewish calendar more commonly called - Tu BiShvat. The Bible is filled with agriculture, yet many of us today are city dwellers, and we feel distant and disconnected from these...

Let Dreamers Dream
Members >AudioAudio

Let Dreamers Dream

Joseph, Jacob’s youngest son, foolishly tells his dreams to his brothers. Torah tells us that the disposition of Joseph’s brothers towards him was extremely negative. In Gen 37:4 we read venisneu oto “and they hated him” velo yakhlu davro leshalom “and could not speak shalom, speak well...

How did the Jerusalem Temple Work?

How did the Jerusalem Temple Work?

The Temple is a very important institution in the Bible. It is unique, deeply spiritual, and a key foundation for understanding countless biblical passages. This educational video is a quick, concise, to-the-point explanation of the structure and function of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Gain a better understanding or simply...

The Walls of Jerusalem

The Walls of Jerusalem

The walls of today's Jerusalem are beautiful, but they are not very ancient, going back to the days of Suleyman in the 1500s. Well beneath those walls are the foundations of older walls, but only in some areas. In many instances, the new walls were moved to expand...

Revealing the Buried Treasures of the Temple Mount

Revealing the Buried Treasures of the Temple Mount

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem has not been excavated in modern times. It's a political and religious powder keg. But archaeological artifacts from the Temple Mount are being uncovered by Israeli archeologists. How? An illegal renovation was conducted on the site some time ago. The dirt was simply...

My Favorite Bible Study Software

My Favorite Bible Study Software

If you are looking for a way to dig into the Hebrew and Greek of the Bible and get access to great dictionaries and research tools I frequently use, I have just partnered with Logos - my favorite Bible Software. We share a common value of putting the Bible first,...

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