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New Testament in Syriac Language

New Testament in Syriac Language

Today, New Testament exists in many languages. But New Testament in Syrian Aramaic (Syriac) is a very ancient translation. Some Syrian Aramaic manuscripts even predate the copies of the Koine Greek New Testament used as a base of the original texts of the New Testament. Aramaic was widely spoken in...

Problems in Understanding Apostle Paul
Members Video

Problems in Understanding Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul has been misunderstood for centuries. Joseph Shulam (Netivyah Institute, Jerusalem) Mark Hamilton (Professor of Old Testament, Abilene Christian University) George Goldman (Associate Dean, Lipscomb University) David Rudolph (Director of Messianic Jewish Studies, The King’s University) Mark Lanier (Moderator). Listen to the dialogue of these very informed conversational...

The Way God Leads
Paid-members >AudioAudio

The Way God Leads

In Exodus 13:17 Torah says that God did not lead the Israelites by the land of the Philistines, a much shorter route. Hebrew texts literally says, ki karov hu “though it was closer.” Instead, God led the Israelites through the wilderness path, passing through the sea of reeds, a...

Jewish Belief in Resurrection
Members Articles

Jewish Belief in Resurrection

We live in the age of science, logic, and information when many spiritual beliefs that cannot be rationally explained are questioned and dismissed. There is one particular belief that lies at the core of Jewish and Christian faiths that is often doubted by skeptics from both sides. Yes, more and...

My New Book - Missing Ingredients

My New Book - Missing Ingredients

Have you ever felt as you read the Bible that it makes no sense? You understand the words but not the meaning or the point the text is trying to make. The truth is - you are not alone. I have just published a new book entitled "Missing Ingredients:...

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