Welcome to weekly multimedia e-zine by Pinchas Shir

The Riddle of the Unleavened Bread

The Riddle of the Unleavened Bread

One of the main features of the Jewish Passover celebration is Matzah (מַצָּה), the unleavened bread. In fact, there is no Passover without this basic ingredient. Its tale is central in the ritual of remembering the Exodus deliverance. So, each year, just prior to Passover, Jews clean out...

Be Careful with Compromises
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Be Careful with Compromises

In Chayei Sara we read the story of Abraham commissioning his servant to search for a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham is certain that he does not want a wife from any of the local families in Canaan. Why? But he is also very certain that he does not...

Earliest Mention of Jerusalem Outside of the Bible

Earliest Mention of Jerusalem Outside of the Bible

In October of 2016 Israel Antiquities Authority unveiled a papyrus that is believed to be 2,700 years old. Israeli archaeologists have discovered an ancient wine ledger that they believe contains the earliest written reference to Jerusalem outside the Bible. This makes a very short text a remarkable and rare...

The Oldest Bible Manuscripts

The Oldest Bible Manuscripts

The Bible is a truly unique collection of ancient texts. Unlike other books as we know them, the Bible text is not written by a single author, but many writers over centuries. Because of this unique dynamic the Bible is based on many individual ancient scrolls and manuscripts. This short...

Why were the Dead Sea Scrolls forgotten?
Members Audio

Why were the Dead Sea Scrolls forgotten?

This is an audio lecture by Rachel Elior, a Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Mystical Thought at the Hebrew University, a talk given in front of an audience of peers. Her research is current and meticulous and often challenges the status quo thinking. She answers a question many who...

Trusting in Biblical Hebrew
Members Articles

Trusting in Biblical Hebrew

It is hard to speak of trust in a world filled with deception. It is very hard to trust, especially if you have been misled and taken advantage of in the past. Life experiences often drive us to put up walls and to hold back our trust. Every day we...

Reading Jesus as a Rabbi

Reading Jesus as a Rabbi

You may have heard that Jesus was a Rabbi. So what? Knowing this fact has no value if one does not know much about ancient Rabbis. Merely stating that Jesus is Jewish or that he was a Rabbi means absolutely nothing unless one understands what stands behind such identity. What...

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)

Was Jesus truly a Rabbi? What did it mean to be a Rabbi in antiquity? What are some of the earliest historical references we have to rabbis? How did he go from Rabbi to Lord, and why? How did Hebrew Yeshua become English Jesus? I highlight these questions and many...

Soncino Midrash Rabbah: Genesis 1
Paid-members >Books

Soncino Midrash Rabbah: Genesis 1

Midrash Rabbah is a homeletic, ethical, and moral commentary on the Torah expounded by the Rabbis during Talmudic times. The Midrash represents the essence of Judaism, its ethical standards, and its insight into the human heart in a unique literary form. For centuries the Midrash Rabbah commentaries nourished the Jewish...

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