Welcome to weekly multimedia e-zine by Pinchas Shir

Embracing Spiritual Duty: Benei Mitzvah Tradition
Paid-members >Seminars

Embracing Spiritual Duty: Benei Mitzvah Tradition

Many cultures around the world have rituals that signify the coming of age. Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are customs of this variety that have developed in Jewish culture. In the Jewish context, however, the custom has to do with reaching spiritual maturity. It's a moment when a...

The Sound of Shofar
Paid-members >Seminars

The Sound of Shofar

Have you wondered about the Shofar? This is a discussion on the tradition of sounding the Shofar, what it means, and its purpose. This interactive talk was recorded live and includes questions and comments from the audience....

Reviving the Ancient Shofar Sound in Israel

Reviving the Ancient Shofar Sound in Israel

The piercing note of a shofar – a ram’s horn used in Jewish religious ceremonies – cuts through the mountain air of the Galilee. Here in northern Israel, shepherdess Jenna Lewinsky is raising a flock of “Jacob Sheep” as a religious calling. With anything up to six horns on each animal,...

Was Jesus a Rabbi?

Was Jesus a Rabbi?

Was Jesus a Rabbi? Some people would say yes, some no and some would be unsure how to answer. There is a good reason why the answers are often different. This is not a straightforward question. The term rabbi appeared sometime just prior to the first century CE and its...

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)
Paid-members >AudioAudio

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)

Was Jesus a Rabbi? Some people would say yes, some no and some would be unsure how to answer. There is a good reason why the answers are often different. This is not a straightforward question. The term rabbi appeared sometime just prior to the first century CE and its...

The Psalms of Solomon 1-3 Audio
Paid-members >AudioAudio

The Psalms of Solomon 1-3 Audio

The Psalms of Solomon are a collection of eighteen Jewish poetic compositions from around the second or first century BCE. They were originally composed in Hebrew or possibly in Aramaic. But the oldest manuscripts that have survived to our times are the Greek and Syrian Aramaic translations of the original...

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