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Essential Judaism by George Robinson
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Essential Judaism by George Robinson

What happens at a synagogue service? What are the rules for keeping kosher? How do I light the Hanukah candles? What is in the Hebrew Bible? What do the Jewish holidays signify? I frequently get a lot of questions about Jewish culture and life, both ancient and modern, practical and...

Why Study Zohar and Kabbalah?

Why Study Zohar and Kabbalah?

This is a lecture by Daniel Matt a scholar of Kabbalah and a Professor at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He taught at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Matt is a translator of the first nine volumes of the twelve-volume Zohar (Pritzker edition). In my...

The Riddle of Passover Egg
Paid-members Articles

The Riddle of Passover Egg

When Jews celebrate Passover today, the festive tables feature a special plate with traditional foods tased during the celebration. There are bitter herbs of several kinds to remember the bitterness of slavery in Egypt. There is also a lamb bone to remember the sacrifice for the firstborn. And to some...

Roman Dining Room Mosaics in Egypt?

Roman Dining Room Mosaics in Egypt?

Recently, a team of Egyptian and Polish archaeologists discovered a well-preserved Roman mosaic floor in a house at the site of Kom El-Dikka. The archaeological site features a small theater, an imperial bath, and a group of 22 lecture halls that may have been part of a university of some...

"Good people do not need laws..." Plato

"Good people do not need laws..." Plato

> "Good people do not need laws to act responsibly and bad people will find a way around those laws." > Plato Good people do not need laws...0:00/1:311×Many people think that the laws and rules exist only to limit us. And that is...

The Five Books of Moses by Robert Alter
Paid-members >Books

The Five Books of Moses by Robert Alter

Early on in my study of Hebrew literature, I discovered the works of Robert Alter. His focus on the literary features of ancient Hebrew and its unique poteism, its powerful semiotic nature captivated me. Then I ran across his English translations of the Torah and they have enhanced my study...

Are Those Horns on Moses' Head?
Members Articles

Are Those Horns on Moses' Head?

One of the most magnificent statues of Moses was crafted by Michelangelo - a famed Italian artist from 14th and 15th century. It was commissioned by one of the popes and today it graces the church of St. Peter in Rome. Enjoying this beautiful work of art, one cannot help...

Six Days a Week... Heschel

Six Days a Week... Heschel

> Six days a week we seek to dominate the world. On the seventh day, we seek to dominate the self. > Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Six Days0:00/1:371×Countless Bible readers have stumbled over verses where God tells Moses to instruct Israelites to sanctify the Sabbath. But...

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