Who Was Judah the Maccabee? by Breaking Matzo
Spend a couple of minutes and get a quick summary about Judah Maccabee in this informational video by Breaking Matzo. Learn who Judah was and why he is significant in Jewish history....
Spend a couple of minutes and get a quick summary about Judah Maccabee in this informational video by Breaking Matzo. Learn who Judah was and why he is significant in Jewish history....
I was lecturing to a group of students at a Christian University and one of the students asked me about God's name in the Hebrew Bible. Is it Yahweh, is it Jehovah? This video an excerpt from my lecture. I put my notes aside and explain the popular...
If Jesus was a Jew, and Christianity became his religion, then it makes sense that Jesus was the first Christian. However, Dr. James Charlesworth, of Princeton Theological Seminary argues that this was just not the case; Jesus did not part ways with Judaism....
The late Dr. Krister Stendahl, of Harvard Divinity School, suggests that he did not. This video summarizes his reasons why. Stendahl notices that Paul and the author of Acts describe Paul's transformative experience with Jesus in the same terms as the Jewish prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel describe...
In his book, Torah Praxis After 70 CE: Reading Luke-Acts as Jewish Texts, Dr. Isaac Oliver of Bradley University argues that Peter's vision in Acts is not about the abolishment of kosher laws, but the “purification and sanctification of Gentile believers"...
In the Jewish Annotated New Testament, Dr. Paula Fredriksen summarizes 3 of the top ways scholars view Paul's relationship to Judaism. Was Paul against Judaism? Alongside? Or did he remain within Judaism throughout his entire life?...
Erik and Jonathan, the hosts of the YouTube Bible History channel consider this controversial question and present opinions that some would agree with and others would wish to challenge. It's a loaded question....
In 2013 a volunteer looking through the dirt that had been excavated from Robinson’s Arch found a 1-centimeter seal impression. After closer examination, some archaeologists came to believe that this was a First Temple era seal....
The Koren Hebrew-English Tanakh (Magerman Edtion) offers an eloquent and faithful modern translation of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings with beautiful Koren Hebrew text. This 2096 page volume uses the standard Hebrew text broken up in a traditional way and supplied with some minimal notes. Though this edition follows the...