Welcome to weekly multimedia e-zine by Pinchas Shir

The Best Hebrew-English Bibles 3: Artscroll Tanakh

The Best Hebrew-English Bibles 3: Artscroll Tanakh

The ArtScroll Hebrew-English Tanakh (Stone Edition) consists of 24 books of the Jewish Bible broken up in the customary divisions of Torah, Prophets, and Writings all in one 2200 page volume. The edition follows the right to left order with Hebrew on the right side and English translation on the...

The Best Hebrew-English Bibles 2: JPS Tanakh

The Best Hebrew-English Bibles 2: JPS Tanakh

The JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh (Student Edtion) features the traditional Masoretic Hebrew text (Biblia Hebraic Stuttgartensia) and the Jewish Publication Society’s renowned English translation. The Jewish Publication Society English translation is widely read in American Jewish congregations, a result of a 30-year interdenominational collaboration by respected Jewish Bible scholars. The...

Isolate from Culture or Fight It? : Jewish Gospels

Isolate from Culture or Fight It? : Jewish Gospels

Are the Essenes the same people as the Jewish Qumran Sect? And who are the Zealots and why does Josephus dislike them so much? Pinchas Shir helps us better understand the diverse beliefs among the Jews during the Second Temple Period. Stay tuned till the end of the episode when...

"Wisdom Jousting" and the Pharisees: Jewish Gospels

"Wisdom Jousting" and the Pharisees: Jewish Gospels

We start with the Hasidim and discuss how the Pharisees emerged from this group. While the Sadducees were Temple-focused, the Pharisees were purity-in-life focused. They were an of-the-people-for-the-people kind of group scattered throughout the diaspora. Pinchas Shir helps us understand how the Pharisees used Scripture and why they seem to...

Jewish and Greek Thinking

Jewish and Greek Thinking

This conversation comes from a small part of the IBC course titled Jews and Greeks on Life and the Afterlife. Yeshaya Gruber, Nicholas Schaser, Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg, and Pinchas Shir discuss the ways Greeks thought in a completely different manner than the Jews. Learn more about Jewish and Greek concepts of...

The Ring of Pontius Pilate

The Ring of Pontius Pilate

Anyone familiar with stories about Jesus, even those who have never read the gospels for themselves heard of Pontius Pilate who ordered the crucifixion. Some archaeologists believe they may have found Pilate's ring!...

Psalm 112:7-8 - Trusting in the LORD

Psalm 112:7-8 - Trusting in the LORD

Psalm 112 describes a person who has an amazing relationship with God and one of the key facets of this relationship is trust. "He is not afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firm, he trusts in the LORD. His heart is resolute, he is unafraid; in the end,...

Psalm 119:29 - Teach Me Your Law

Psalm 119:29 - Teach Me Your Law

If you love to read the book of Psalms, then you are aware of how often it mentions God’s law. When reading Psalms in English, people do not realize what Hebrew words lay behind the English translations.  Consequently, the depth of their meaning often evades people. Take this verse...

Simon and the Jews of Cyrene
Members Articles

Simon and the Jews of Cyrene

During the Second Temple Period, many Jews lived outside of Israel. And the city of Cyrene in Northern Africa was one of the major Jewish Diaspora centers.  Many people have not heard about this city for its glory has disappeared from the pages of history. But the presence and the...

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