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A Wisely Build Roman Road in Golan

A Wisely Build Roman Road in Golan

Mighty Romans are gone, but Roman roads remain all over the Mediterranean and in Israel. Originally, the roads ensured the smooth movements of troops and military equipment, but one can imagine the ancient highways came in handy in many situations. The history behind the Roman roads in Israel goes back...

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Prior to Monarchy
Paid-members >Seminars

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Prior to Monarchy

Who are prophets? How was their role understood in the ancient Jewish and non-Jewish world? When it comes to the Bible, the words of the prophets can take some effort to unravel. Their saying should always be read in context. Though we know very little about some of their lives,...

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?
Members Articles

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?

Messiah’s famous words about Torah declare, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Mat 5:17 NASB) This verse has been explained countless times in church sermons, academic lectures, and scholarly commentaries. What can...

Coming Clean
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Coming Clean

In Exodus 35:31, the craftsmen received abilities to do melakha “work” or “labor” or “craft” that was assigned to them. But besides all the knowledge and abilities, the Torah says in Exodus 35:35 ulehoret natan belibo “he put the ability to teach into his heart.” Betzalel was to...

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

The Third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), or "The Book of Palaces," is an ancient Jewish mystical composition. Though named after Enoch, it was not written by the biblical Enoch himself. He is, however, the main character in a story of Rabbi Ishamel’s ascent to see the...

3 Enoch, The Book of Palaces: New Translation
Paid-members >BooksArticles

3 Enoch, The Book of Palaces: New Translation

The Third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), or "The Book of Palaces," is an ancient Jewish mystical composition. How ancient? Around the sixth century CE. The Third Book of Enoch is quite different from 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch. It does not sound like Second Temple Era Jewish...

Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta
Members Articles

Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta

The Tosefta is a rabbinic text often unfamiliar to people. There is a perfectly good explanation why. When the text of Mishna, the Jewish oral traditions, was being compiled into writing by Yehudah HaNassi (second century CE), some discussions were set aside and edited out. It's not that...

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated by Florentino Garcia Martinez
Paid-members >Books

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated by Florentino Garcia Martinez

One of the world's foremost experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls provides an authoritative English translation of the two hundred longest and most important nonbiblical Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran. This book is also supplied with introductory information about the history, discovery, and publication of each manuscript....

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)

One unique prayer is repeated multiple times daily in Jewish Prayer services besides the Shema (Deut 6:4-9). It's a prayer composed in Aramaic called Kaddish. In modern practice, it is never recited alone, and its ancient words seek to magnify and sanctify God's name corporately....

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