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Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta
Members Articles

Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta

The Tosefta is a rabbinic text often unfamiliar to people. There is a perfectly good explanation why. When the text of Mishna, the Jewish oral traditions, was being compiled into writing by Yehudah HaNassi (second century CE), some discussions were set aside and edited out. It's not that...

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated by Florentino Garcia Martinez
Paid-members >Books

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated by Florentino Garcia Martinez

One of the world's foremost experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls provides an authoritative English translation of the two hundred longest and most important nonbiblical Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran. This book is also supplied with introductory information about the history, discovery, and publication of each manuscript....

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)

One unique prayer is repeated multiple times daily in Jewish Prayer services besides the Shema (Deut 6:4-9). It's a prayer composed in Aramaic called Kaddish. In modern practice, it is never recited alone, and its ancient words seek to magnify and sanctify God's name corporately....

Missing Out
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Missing Out

Torah says that Olah was to be brought to the entrance of the tent. Why? Because not every offering is automatically accepted. The priests carefully examined offerings at the entrance, and only then were they presented to God on the altar. Today, people rarely think that their worship can be...

The Art of Protection

The Art of Protection

According to researchers of antiquity driving away bad luck, the evil eye, and, in short, envious people—this was one of the purposes of mosaics in Ancient Rome. You may know of amulets, incantations, but art and specific mosaics were also used to ward off evil. Ancient literary sources and...

Embracing the Sadness
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Embracing the Sadness

Are you familiar with Tisha B'Av? On the Jewish calendar, it's a day of fasting and introspection for many reasons. Throughout history, this day has been a day of calamity for Israel as a people at large and for various Jewish communities. In this 45-minute teaching,...

Fight For Your Future
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Fight For Your Future

Sometimes we get tired of fighting for just about everything in life. Moses was at the end of his life, well over a hundred, and yet he was still in a fight. In Numbers 31, Moses was told that he must exact vengeance for what Midian did to Israel, and...

"Who wrote the Quran?" by Matt Baker

"Who wrote the Quran?" by Matt Baker

Though I am interested in other religions beyond Judaism and Christianity, I rarely talk about them because they are outside of my area of expertise. I came across a video that explains how Muslims view the Quran in a very succinct and genius way. I was impressed with how Matt...

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