Welcome to weekly multimedia e-zine by Pinchas Shir

Psalm 25 Meditation

Psalm 25 Meditation

This video was inspired by my reading and translation of Psalm 25. As I meditated on the psalm, new words simply flooded my mind and quickly blended with what I read. I hope you enjoy the message of this psalm and my meditation. "To You, ADONAI, I lift my...

Wilderness Temptations
Members Audio

Wilderness Temptations

This is part 2 of a longer conversation. (Part 1 here). What was Jesus meditating on when he was in the wilderness for 40 days? It is speculation, but I like to think he was dwelling on the verses from Deuteronomy as he was contemplating Israel's tests, as...

Commandments and Eternal Life

Commandments and Eternal Life

This is Part 1 of a longer conversation... Professor Shir has a great fondness for the book of Deuteronomy and its connections throughout the Bible. He authored a course that provides a small taste of how influential Deuteronomy is in the theology portrayed in the gospels. Take the concept of...

Sample the Apocalypse of Abraham

Sample the Apocalypse of Abraham

Most people have never heard of The Apocalypse of Abraham (התגלות אברהם, hitgalut Avraham). It is an ancient Jewish apocalyptic text believed to have been written between 70 CE and 150 CE. Like many midrash stories about Abraham, it extols faith in one powerful and very real God. I recently...

Being It
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Being It

A witness, or a testimony, the bare facts of something, is connected to the idea of empirical account, reporting, and an audit, a story one can see for himself. All the items: the altar, the water basin, Aaron’s clothes, the jewels, gold, all people, sacrifices, and rituals that were...

Jewish Customs and the Cup in Passion Narratives
Paid-members Articles

Jewish Customs and the Cup in Passion Narratives

The Bible is full of customs, traditions, and rituals. Many Jewish cultural practices seem unusual to the rest of the world, and others were successfully assimilated via the broader Christian culture. People don't even think of them as Jewish but the gospels read by millions of non-Jews today...

A Wisely Build Roman Road in Golan

A Wisely Build Roman Road in Golan

Mighty Romans are gone, but Roman roads remain all over the Mediterranean and in Israel. Originally, the roads ensured the smooth movements of troops and military equipment, but one can imagine the ancient highways came in handy in many situations. The history behind the Roman roads in Israel goes back...

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?
Members Articles

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?

Messiah’s famous words about Torah declare, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Mat 5:17 NASB) This verse has been explained countless times in church sermons, academic lectures, and scholarly commentaries. What can...

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