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Turning Away Anger
Members >AudioAudio

Turning Away Anger

The story of Pinchas can be hard to take in. Pinchas intervened by taking on God’s jealousy, and that changed everything. And in verse 12, God rewards him, and he says, hineni notein lo et biriti shalom “behold I give to him my covenant of peace.” Peace is not...

The Direction of our Prayers
Paid-members Articles

The Direction of our Prayers

For thousands of years, Jews have been praying to God while facing Jerusalem. Muslims have a similar tradition. Only they bow toward the city of Mecca. Such cultural practice may seem a bit unusual for Christians who direct their gaze elsewhere, to the altar in front of them or to...

"The Beginnings of Jewishness" by Shaye Cohen
Paid-members >Books

"The Beginnings of Jewishness" by Shaye Cohen

In this book, Shaye J.D. Cohen explores the formation and transformation of Jewish identity between Hellenistic times and the Roman era. Cohen, a renowned scholar in Jewish history, addresses complex issues related to ethnicity, religion, and cultural identity. He investigates how Jewish identity was defined and perceived both internally...

Around the Merkavah Audio (~1.5 hrs)
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Around the Merkavah Audio (~1.5 hrs)

Thousands of years ago, ancient Hebrews believed that their God was not tied to a specific place. They called his throne Merkavah (chariot). A throne with wheels and floating Keruvim moved to where He needed to be. The Bible depicted this reality in the visions seen by prophets of old,...

Look to Israel
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Look to Israel

Exodus 28:29 says, Venasa Aharon et shemot benei Israel “and Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel” bachoshen hamishpat, al libo - “on the breastplate of decision, over his heart.” Aaron’s vestments had a breastplate with 12 precious stones, and the names of the 12...

Recreating Ancient Roman Bread

Recreating Ancient Roman Bread

Have you ever wondered what bread was like 2000 years ago? We often assume that bread is bread, and it has always been the same. But this is where archaeologists, historians, and food anthropologists will tell you that even the bread we know has gone through stages of development as...

The Parable of Workers in the Vinyard

The Parable of Workers in the Vinyard

Joseph Shulam, grew up in Jerusalem, where he was introduced to the New Testament in high school. He became a believer and moved to the United States for college. After his return to Jerusalem,  Shulam studied Biblical Archaeology and Bible at Hebrew University.  He attended 3 years of rabbinical college...

Recreating Ancient Israelite Wine
Members Articles

Recreating Ancient Israelite Wine

Both Jewish and Christian rituals today utilize wine. And the Bible is full of stories that mention wine's prominence. Perhaps the first one is about Noah planting a vineyard after the flood (Gen 9:20). Anthropologists will tell you that nomads do not plant vineyards. This was a...

Letting Go
Paid-members >Audio

Letting Go

In a touching Torah story, Judah offered himself instead of Benjamin to the Egyptian ruler. Judah has come to terms with an intense attachment Jacob had to Rachel's sons. He was not angry with Jacob for favoring Benjamin anymore, not like he was jealous of Joseph earlier. Moments...

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