This video was inspired by my reading and translation of Psalm 25. As I meditated on the psalm, new words simply flooded my mind and quickly blended with what I read. I hope you enjoy the message of this psalm and my meditation. "To You, ADONAI, I lift my soul; in You alone, I trust. Let not shame touch me, nor let my foes rejoice over me. For those who wait upon You shall not be ashamed, but the treacherous shall fall in their own ways..."

Show me Your paths, O Lord, guide me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation, and I wait for You all day long. Remember Your mercy and love, ADONAI, for they have been from eternity. Forget the sins of my youth, my missteps in Your kindness. Look upon me with grace, for the sake of Your goodness, O LORD. Good and just is ADONAI, He teaches sinners the way to walk. He leads the humble with justice and shows the humble His way. All Your paths, ADONAI, are steadfast love and truth to those who keep Your covenant. For the sake of Your name, O LORD, forgive my deep iniquities.

Who is the one who reveres the Lord? You shall guide him in the choices he must make. His soul will find peace, and his children will inherit the land. The LORD reveals His secret counsel to those who honor Him, and His covenant shines in their hearts. My eyes forever seek You, LORD, for You will lift my feet from the snare.

40 Days of Hebrew Devotions
What would you say if I introduced you to an insightful, short book with lots of takeaways from a trustworthy source? The book will gently lead you through a 40-day journey looking at Hebrew words and concepts to enrich your faith and worship. This could be an exhilarating 40-day journey
Psalm 3 (Hebrew-English)
Psalm 3 is a desperate cry for help, praise from the lips of David. God rescued him from the grip of his foes as they sought his life. This poem is full of hope and assurance in God’s miraculous salvation amidst great danger. מִזְמוֹר לְדָ