It' December... To all my subscribers who celebrate Hanukkah, may Hashem continue to do miracles as he did for our ancestors so long ago. And may your light burn ever brighter!
To all my subscribers who celebrate Christmas, may the warmth of best traditions shared with family and friends bring you joy and hope at this holiday season. May you and yours cherish the reason for this season!
Recently, a friend lent me a book, a commentary by Sir Iassac Newton on Daniel and Revelation. Yes, besides being a scientist Isaac Newton was a true believer in the Bible and was a biblical scholar! It was a laborious read (because of the archaic language from 1700's) but what can I say, I am geek when it comes to old books. I spent hours enjoying this unique publication.
I am no Isaac Newtown, but consider giving someone else a gift of PSHIR.COM today. Share a link from a favorite video or article somewhere where you socialize these days. That will be a gift to me as well, as that is exactly how many of my subscribers discover new things themselves (even if they are quite archaic).
Thank you for watching, listening, reading and sending occasional notes. Most importantly thank you for making PSHIR.COM a part of your ongoing learning journey! Shalom.

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