
133 posts
Jewish Belief in Resurrection
Members Articles

Jewish Belief in Resurrection

We live in the age of science, logic, and information when many spiritual beliefs that cannot be rationally explained are questioned and dismissed. There is one particular belief that lies at the core of Jewish and Christian faiths that is often doubted by skeptics from both sides. Yes, more and...

My New Book - Missing Ingredients

My New Book - Missing Ingredients

Have you ever felt as you read the Bible that it makes no sense? You understand the words but not the meaning or the point the text is trying to make. The truth is - you are not alone. I have just published a new book entitled "Missing Ingredients:...

The Riddle of the Unleavened Bread

The Riddle of the Unleavened Bread

One of the main features of the Jewish Passover celebration is Matzah (מַצָּה), the unleavened bread. In fact, there is no Passover without this basic ingredient. Its tale is central in the ritual of remembering the Exodus deliverance. So, each year, just prior to Passover, Jews clean out...

All, Everyone and Anything in the Bible
Paid-members Articles

All, Everyone and Anything in the Bible

Everyone knows that translations from one language to another can be misleading, and sometimes important ideas and concepts get lost in translation. When it comes to the Bible, that is true as well. As hard as translators work, the readers can still misconstrue the meaning of the text. The context...

Earliest Mention of Jerusalem Outside of the Bible

Earliest Mention of Jerusalem Outside of the Bible

In October of 2016 Israel Antiquities Authority unveiled a papyrus that is believed to be 2,700 years old. Israeli archaeologists have discovered an ancient wine ledger that they believe contains the earliest written reference to Jerusalem outside the Bible. This makes a very short text a remarkable and rare...

Trusting in Biblical Hebrew
Members Articles

Trusting in Biblical Hebrew

It is hard to speak of trust in a world filled with deception. It is very hard to trust, especially if you have been misled and taken advantage of in the past. Life experiences often drive us to put up walls and to hold back our trust. Every day we...

Reading Jesus as a Rabbi

Reading Jesus as a Rabbi

You may have heard that Jesus was a Rabbi. So what? Knowing this fact has no value if one does not know much about ancient Rabbis. Merely stating that Jesus is Jewish or that he was a Rabbi means absolutely nothing unless one understands what stands behind such identity. What...

Binding and Loosing like Jesus
Paid-members Articles

Binding and Loosing like Jesus

In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus said to his disciple Peter, “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt 16:19). A couple of...

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