
130 posts
Essential Judaism by George Robinson
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Essential Judaism by George Robinson

What happens at a synagogue service? What are the rules for keeping kosher? How do I light the Hanukah candles? What is in the Hebrew Bible? What do the Jewish holidays signify? I frequently get a lot of questions about Jewish culture and life, both ancient and modern, practical and...

The Riddle of Passover Egg
Paid-members Articles

The Riddle of Passover Egg

When Jews celebrate Passover today, the festive tables feature a special plate with traditional foods tased during the celebration. There are bitter herbs of several kinds to remember the bitterness of slavery in Egypt. There is also a lamb bone to remember the sacrifice for the firstborn. And to some...

Roman Dining Room Mosaics in Egypt?

Roman Dining Room Mosaics in Egypt?

Recently, a team of Egyptian and Polish archaeologists discovered a well-preserved Roman mosaic floor in a house at the site of Kom El-Dikka. The archaeological site features a small theater, an imperial bath, and a group of 22 lecture halls that may have been part of a university of some...

Are Those Horns on Moses' Head?
Members Articles

Are Those Horns on Moses' Head?

One of the most magnificent statues of Moses was crafted by Michelangelo - a famed Italian artist from 14th and 15th century. It was commissioned by one of the popes and today it graces the church of St. Peter in Rome. Enjoying this beautiful work of art, one cannot help...

Six Days a Week... Heschel

Six Days a Week... Heschel

> Six days a week we seek to dominate the world. On the seventh day, we seek to dominate the self. > Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Six Days0:00/1:371×Countless Bible readers have stumbled over verses where God tells Moses to instruct Israelites to sanctify the Sabbath. But...

Jesus: Nazarene or Nazarite?
Members Articles

Jesus: Nazarene or Nazarite?

After reading the gospels some people walk away thinking that Jesus was a Nazarite. “And came and lived in a city called Nazareth. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophets: “He shall be called a Nazarene.” (Mat 2:23 NASB) The writings of the Apostles, the New...

First Temple Seals Found in Jerusalem

First Temple Seals Found in Jerusalem

In 2013 a volunteer looking through the dirt that had been excavated from Robinson’s Arch (near the Western Wall) found a 1-cm seal impression. After closer examination, some archaeologists came to believe that this was a First Temple era seal. The impression, or in Latin bulla, would have sealed...

Jewish vs. Christian Paul: Name Confusion
Members Articles

Jewish vs. Christian Paul: Name Confusion

Most people know that Apostle Paul was a pious Jew. Many New Testament readers would note that he was a Pharisee trained with the rabbis at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). And at the same time, most Christians would also see Apostle Paul as a radical convert to...

Jewish vs. Christian Paul: Religion Confusion
Members Articles

Jewish vs. Christian Paul: Religion Confusion

t is very common to think of Paul as a Christian. After all, so much of what is called Christian is based on his teachings which are a part of the Scriptures all Christians recognize. But surprisingly Paul did not actually refer to himself as a Christian. That is a...

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