

Audio with brief annotations. Let your eyes rest as you learn by listening. Exercise, walk your dog, or just kick back in a comfy chair and listen.

47 posts
Teaching in Your Heart
Members >AudioAudio

Teaching in Your Heart

In Exodus 35 and 36, we read the stories about craftsmen Betzalel ben Uri and Ben Hur and how Hashem endowed them with his spirit, Ruach Elohim, the “breath of God,” as Torah says in Exodus 35:31. Torah says that God filled the craftsmen who created all the items...

Remove the Ashes
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Remove the Ashes

Our weekly reading begins with explanations about the burnt offerings. Offerings can teach us a lot. Vayikra, Leviticus 6:2 tells us that Aaron was to leave the Olah on the altar all night long, and the fire is to be maintained by the priests all night long. I believe...

Listen to 10 Chapters of First Enoch

Listen to 10 Chapters of First Enoch

The First Book of Enoch (Ethiopian Enoch), also known as "The Book of Watchers," is a well-known Jewish composition from the Second Temple era. "These are the words of Enoch, who bestowed a blessing upon the chosen and righteous who will exist during the days of great...

Managing Setbacks
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Managing Setbacks

Everything was going well for Joseph until he deemed some amazing dreams that he unwisely shared with his brothers. He almost ended up dead because of that. Due to circumstances that were not entirely of Joseph’s own doing, the young man was sold into slavery and ended up in...

Build A Mikdash
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Build A Mikdash

In Exodus 25, verse 8, Hashem says, veasu li Mikdash veshakhanti betokham – “and they shall make me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in the midst of them.” It struck me that after giving instructions, God charged Israel to build him a Mikdash. He expects them to be able to...

Being It
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Being It

A witness, or a testimony, the bare facts of something, is connected to the idea of empirical account, reporting, and an audit, a story one can see for himself. All the items: the altar, the water basin, Aaron’s clothes, the jewels, gold, all people, sacrifices, and rituals that were...

Coming Clean
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Coming Clean

In Exodus 35:31, the craftsmen received abilities to do melakha “work” or “labor” or “craft” that was assigned to them. But besides all the knowledge and abilities, the Torah says in Exodus 35:35 ulehoret natan belibo “he put the ability to teach into his heart.” Betzalel was to...

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

The Third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), or "The Book of Palaces," is an ancient Jewish mystical composition. Though named after Enoch, it was not written by the biblical Enoch himself. He is, however, the main character in a story of Rabbi Ishamel’s ascent to see the...

Missing Out
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Missing Out

Torah says that Olah was to be brought to the entrance of the tent. Why? Because not every offering is automatically accepted. The priests carefully examined offerings at the entrance, and only then were they presented to God on the altar. Today, people rarely think that their worship can be...

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