

Enjoy educational seminars organized in a series of add-free videos (most are exclusive to pshir.com) Open each topic to see the full series.

33 posts
Love Human, Love Divine (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Love Human, Love Divine (~2hrs)

These videos are inspirational talks and teachings about love. It is not an academic topic but an interactive conversation about the meaning of love and how we should make sense of it. The talk was recorded in front of a live audience, and a number of interactions with the audience...

Shema: One God, One People, One Prayer (Part 2)
Paid-members >Seminars

Shema: One God, One People, One Prayer (Part 2)

The lectures presented here were recorded with live audience participation and many of the questions and comments from the auditorium are included in the videos. The full Shema consists of Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21, and Numbers 15:37–41. Its words communicate an entire set of deeply...

Shema: One God, One People, One Prayer (Part 1)
Paid-members >Seminars

Shema: One God, One People, One Prayer (Part 1)

In Jewish life, Shema is not exactly a typical prayer. It's a recitation of 3 paragraphs from the Torah: Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21, and Numbers 15:37–41. What stands behind these sentences, however, communicates an entire set of deeply held spiritual beliefs, practices, and...

Sukkot Commandments and Customs
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Sukkot Commandments and Customs

This is a shiur, a recording of short thematic live and interactive teaching (broken up into 3 segments, about 50 minutes long in total). The lesson surveys the commandments and customs of the Festival of Tabernacles and examines some ancient texts that possibly reflect on the Sukkot customs practiced during...

Heshbon Nefesh: Watching Our Speech (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Heshbon Nefesh: Watching Our Speech (~2hrs)

Delve into the profound significance of how we misuse our speech with these series of interactive devotional discussions. Join me and the live audience as we embark on a journey through the Jewish practice of Heshbon Nefesh (searching one's heart). In these lessons, we seek to examine our...

The New Year of the Trees
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

The New Year of the Trees

The New Year of the Trees – rosh hashanah la'ilanot (ראש השנה לאילנות) is a special day on the Jewish calendar more commonly called - Tu BiShvat. The Bible is filled with agriculture, yet many of us today are city dwellers, and we feel distant and disconnected from these...

Shavuot Commandments and Customs
Paid-members >Seminars

Shavuot Commandments and Customs

This recording is a shiur (lesson) - a live teaching, complete with audience participation at a messianic synagogue (about 45 minutes long). This session explores the commandments and customs of Shavuot, focusing on their spiritual significance for Messianic Jews in particular. Yet even non-Jewish followers of Messiah will find this...

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)

Was Jesus truly a Rabbi? What did it mean to be a Rabbi in antiquity? What are some of the earliest historical references we have to rabbis? How did he go from Rabbi to Lord, and why? How did Hebrew Yeshua become English Jesus? I highlight these questions and many...

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