

Enjoy educational seminars organized in a series of add-free videos (most are exclusive to pshir.com) Open each topic to see the full series.

33 posts
Villains and Heroes of Hanukkah
Paid-members >Seminars

Villains and Heroes of Hanukkah

The story of Hanukkah is epic, much more epic than the books of Maccabees paint it. Yes, it’s the story of the Jewish wars against the mad and tyrannical Antiochus IV. But the Seleucid king himself was entangled in a series of wars that began long before he was...

Atonement and Messiah's Sacrifice (~5hrs)
Paid-members >Seminars

Atonement and Messiah's Sacrifice (~5hrs)

Do you understand Atonement? What are the foundations of this concept in your mind? In this multi-part seminar, we look at the language of Atonement, Sacrifice, and Redemption in the New Testament as it is applied to Jesus and consider it in the broader light of the Hebrew Bible and...

Embracing Spiritual Duty: Benei Mitzvah Tradition
Paid-members >Seminars

Embracing Spiritual Duty: Benei Mitzvah Tradition

Many cultures around the world have rituals that signify the coming of age. Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are customs of this variety that have developed in Jewish culture. In the Jewish context, however, the custom has to do with reaching spiritual maturity. It's a moment when a...

The Sound of Shofar
Paid-members >Seminars

The Sound of Shofar

Have you wondered about the Shofar? This is a discussion on the tradition of sounding the Shofar, what it means, and its purpose. This interactive talk was recorded live and includes questions and comments from the audience....

The Sign of Jonah (~3hrs)
Paid-members >Seminars

The Sign of Jonah (~3hrs)

What is this Sign of Jonah? The traditional thinking is that it's Jesus' resurrection, three days and three nights... But the passage may not be so simple as it appears on the surface. Interested to take a deeper look and discover another way of reading the text?...

Beyond Menorahs and Dreidels

Beyond Menorahs and Dreidels

Hanukkah is so much more than Menorahs and Dreidels. Learn more about this celebration and its history in this three-part seminar (exclusively on pshir.com) In this hour and a half we explore what the book of Maccabees tells us about Hanukkah. We also consider how Josephus explains those events...

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