
114 posts
Purity Customs: Food, Hands and Beyond (~2.5 h)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Purity Customs: Food, Hands and Beyond (~2.5 h)

This seminar explains various Jewish purity customs, such as washing hands and avoiding certain foods, as "fences" built around commandments that direct Israelites to be pure as they approach God (like in Ex 30:17-20). If you are not familiar with the rabbinic practice of "building fences&...

Tu BiShvat: Tithes, 4 Cups and 7 Species
Members >SeminarsVideo

Tu BiShvat: Tithes, 4 Cups and 7 Species

Jump into a segment of the teaching about the symbolism of TuBiShvat delivered in front of a mixed audience of Jews and Christians. To fully appreciate the pattern of restoration and redemption, we explore the agricultural concepts of orlah, bikkurim, and three tithes as they are expressed in the Torah....

Musical Journey Through the Wilderness

Musical Journey Through the Wilderness

Meditating and especially hearing God's voice is a challenge in a world filled with noise and distractions. But it's a healthy spiritual exercise, especially if you feel unsettled and agitated. If you have 30 minutes, I invite you to step into the wilderness to rediscover that...

Students Discover Relics from Bar Kokhba Revolt

Students Discover Relics from Bar Kokhba Revolt

Israelis tend to take their history seriously, and it is not unusual for students to assist archaeologists to excavating, for example, the remains of a Jewish settlement dating to the Second Temple period. A group of Jerusalem high school students were searching the past to help finance their future. In...

Lean to Read Greek with The Greek Academy
Members Video>Seminars

Lean to Read Greek with The Greek Academy

It's not a secret that even surface familiarity with biblical languages opens a doorway to a better understanding of ancient texts. Recently, I ran across some videos by The Greek Academy that teach how to read Greek! I peeked inside, and almost right away, I fell in love...

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Ezekiel (~1.3 hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

The World of Hebrew Prophets: Ezekiel (~1.3 hrs)

Peek into the life of a prophet caught between exiles, navigating through divine visions and relaying a timeless message of hope and restoration amidst judgment. In this lecture, originally delivered to a class at a Christian college, I explore how Ezekiel's unique position defies traditional prophet categorizations and...

Hebrew Bible Walkthrough

Hebrew Bible Walkthrough

Listen as an Orthodox Jewish teacher introduces the content of all 24 books of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). This is a quick and to-the-point walkthrough across pages and pages of Jewish sacred texts that focus only on the key highlights. It's an excellent introduction for someone who does...

Listen, Meditate and Hear the Still Small Voice

Listen, Meditate and Hear the Still Small Voice

Jewish holy texts suggest the practice of meditation on the sacred words. This is a different type of meditation from transcendental techniques practiced in Buddhism. The goal is not to empty the self but to fill the self and to hear the voice. Not the inner voice of self, but...

Psalm 27: Lord, You are my light...

Psalm 27: Lord, You are my light...

Psalm 27 offers us an enteral truth: God is our light and our salvation. External resources cannot harm us unless the Almighty allows them. Our response to adversity should not be fear but moving ever closer to the Lord. That is the message of this song inspired by Psalm 27....

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