
111 posts
Two Seals from the First Temple Era

Two Seals from the First Temple Era

In 2013 a volunteer looking through the dirt that had been excavated from Robinson’s Arch found a 1-centimeter seal impression. After closer examination, some archaeologists came to believe that this was a First Temple era seal....

The Ring of Pontius Pilate

The Ring of Pontius Pilate

Anyone familiar with stories about Jesus, even those who have never read the gospels for themselves heard of Pontius Pilate who ordered the crucifixion. Some archaeologists believe they may have found Pilate's ring!...

Psalm 112:7-8 - Trusting in the LORD

Psalm 112:7-8 - Trusting in the LORD

Psalm 112 describes a person who has an amazing relationship with God and one of the key facets of this relationship is trust. "He is not afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firm, he trusts in the LORD. His heart is resolute, he is unafraid; in the end,...

Psalm 119:29 - Teach Me Your Law

Psalm 119:29 - Teach Me Your Law

If you love to read the book of Psalms, then you are aware of how often it mentions God’s law. When reading Psalms in English, people do not realize what Hebrew words lay behind the English translations.  Consequently, the depth of their meaning often evades people. Take this verse...

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