
109 posts
Anti-Judaism in John 1

Anti-Judaism in John 1

You might ask, "What is Anti-Judaism and why would it be in the Gospels?" Or you may think, "Of course, the New Testament is an antisemitic book". Are Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism the same? An unpleasant issue as it may be for both Jews and Christians who...

Anti-Judaism in John 2

Anti-Judaism in John 2

Is John's gospel anti-Jewish? Not really! But Anti-Judaism can be read into it. And that is how many generations of Christians have interpreted the gospel of John. Try reading John's prologue from an Anti-Judaic perspective and then look deeper into Greek to see that the original...

Anti-Judaism in John 3

Anti-Judaism in John 3

What if by "the Jews" John does not mean Jewish people in general, not a simple broad reference to those who are Jewish ethnically and religiously. So who are "the Jews" in John's Gospel?  What is John has some subgroup in mind? In this...

Anti-Judaism in John 4

Anti-Judaism in John 4

Who are "the Jews" in John's gospel? In this lecture segment, I explore the third option of how John's term "hoi Iudaioi" - "the Jews" can be read. I consider reading the term as "the world" the cosmos,...

Anti-Judaism in John 5

Anti-Judaism in John 5

In this segment of my lecture, I propose an experiment of reading the story of Lazarus' resurrection from the vantage point of Anti-Judaism where "the Jews" are just that, a straightforward reference to Jewish people in general. who are "the Jews" who mourned with the...

Anti-Judaism in John 6

Anti-Judaism in John 6

As we go over John 11 verse by verse I explain what Jewish funerals were like in the first century, what people thought about the resurrection, why "the Jews" came, and stayed around for so long. I wonder what exactly caused Jesus to weep? Needless to say, this...

Mark Kinzer and N. T. Wright on the Meaning of Israel

Mark Kinzer and N. T. Wright on the Meaning of Israel

Dr. Mark Kinzer is one of the most prominent Messianic Jewish theologians. And Dr. Wright is a very well-known author and theologian, a retired archbishop of the Church of England who authored a long list of theological books. This video is their discussion on the meaning of Israel in Pauline...

Conversion of Constantine

Conversion of Constantine

Historians have argued for centuries – in the face of contradictory primary sources – both about when and how the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and the nature and extent of his faith. Was he a convinced believer, brought to a new understanding of God and the world by his own...

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