
115 posts
Bamidbar, In the Vastness of the Wilderness

Bamidbar, In the Vastness of the Wilderness

Bamidbar (במדבר) means "in the wilderness." There, ancient prophets and seers found solitude and revelation. The wilderness is not just a place but a metaphor for the inner journey, where, in the silence, you can hear the still, small voice of wisdom and discover clarity. Perfect for meditation,...

The Meaning of Ba'al in Hebrew
Members Video

The Meaning of Ba'al in Hebrew

I remember the first time I heard someone use the word "Beelzebub" in a sentence. It was a joke or pun of some sort, and everyone around me was laughing. Only I was not. I was clueless about what that word meant and clueless about why the comment...

Listen to 10 Chapters of First Enoch

Listen to 10 Chapters of First Enoch

The First Book of Enoch (Ethiopian Enoch), also known as "The Book of Watchers," is a well-known Jewish composition from the Second Temple era. "These are the words of Enoch, who bestowed a blessing upon the chosen and righteous who will exist during the days of great...

The Paths of Repentance and Forgiveness (~2.5 hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

The Paths of Repentance and Forgiveness (~2.5 hrs)

I teach about repentance and forgiveness on a regular basis. Every year, I am asked questions about how repentance works. I am asked questions about the dynamics of forgiveness. So, periodically, I take the core ideas and key questions I am asked over and over, reflect on them, and put...

Psalm 25 Meditation

Psalm 25 Meditation

This video was inspired by my reading and translation of Psalm 25. As I meditated on the psalm, new words simply flooded my mind and quickly blended with what I read. I hope you enjoy the message of this psalm and my meditation. "To You, ADONAI, I lift my...

Sample the Apocalypse of Abraham

Sample the Apocalypse of Abraham

Most people have never heard of The Apocalypse of Abraham (התגלות אברהם, hitgalut Avraham). It is an ancient Jewish apocalyptic text believed to have been written between 70 CE and 150 CE. Like many midrash stories about Abraham, it extols faith in one powerful and very real God. I recently...

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Magnifying and Sanctifying God’s Name (~ 5hrs)

One unique prayer is repeated multiple times daily in Jewish Prayer services besides the Shema (Deut 6:4-9). It's a prayer composed in Aramaic called Kaddish. In modern practice, it is never recited alone, and its ancient words seek to magnify and sanctify God's name corporately....

Embracing the Sadness
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Embracing the Sadness

Are you familiar with Tisha B'Av? On the Jewish calendar, it's a day of fasting and introspection for many reasons. Throughout history, this day has been a day of calamity for Israel as a people at large and for various Jewish communities. In this 45-minute teaching,...

"Who wrote the Quran?" by Matt Baker

"Who wrote the Quran?" by Matt Baker

Though I am interested in other religions beyond Judaism and Christianity, I rarely talk about them because they are outside of my area of expertise. I came across a video that explains how Muslims view the Quran in a very succinct and genius way. I was impressed with how Matt...

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