
115 posts
Around the Merkavah (~1.5hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Around the Merkavah (~1.5hrs)

Did you know that in antiquity, most people believed that gods were tied to specific lands and territories. Consequently, every country and land had its own local deities. Israel stood out sharply among the nations by worshipping a very different God. Thousands of years ago, Hebrews believed that their God...

Recreating Ancient Roman Bread

Recreating Ancient Roman Bread

Have you ever wondered what bread was like 2000 years ago? We often assume that bread is bread, and it has always been the same. But this is where archaeologists, historians, and food anthropologists will tell you that even the bread we know has gone through stages of development as...

The Parable of Workers in the Vinyard

The Parable of Workers in the Vinyard

Joseph Shulam, grew up in Jerusalem, where he was introduced to the New Testament in high school. He became a believer and moved to the United States for college. After his return to Jerusalem,  Shulam studied Biblical Archaeology and Bible at Hebrew University.  He attended 3 years of rabbinical college...

Spirituality of Pesach and Omer Customs
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Spirituality of Pesach and Omer Customs

As an educator, I experiment with different types of teaching. Most often, in my videos, I present all sorts of academic, historical, biblical, and religious information in lecture format. Occasionally, I lead spiritual discussions, which are also educational, but they are meant to be a learning of a different sort....

Over 2000 Egyptian Deities - Ancient History

Over 2000 Egyptian Deities - Ancient History

Egypt is a key ancient power to be understood by any serious student of the Bible. But who has the time to study their vast culture in detail? Thankfully general understanding of the topic can be gained pretty fast these days, and Encyclopedias are a huge help here. This is...

The Image of Dan as a Serpent
Paid-members Video>Seminars

The Image of Dan as a Serpent

In Genesis 49, Jacob blesses each of his sons. The words he speaks are beautiful but could be hard to understand. When he gets to Dan, he compares his son to a serpent. A strange blessing for a child. Thus, commentary on this imagery has brought forth some very curious...

Love Human, Love Divine (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Love Human, Love Divine (~2hrs)

These videos are inspirational talks and teachings about love. It is not an academic topic but an interactive conversation about the meaning of love and how we should make sense of it. The talk was recorded in front of a live audience, and a number of interactions with the audience...

Love in Three Holiday Megilot

Love in Three Holiday Megilot

This enlightening video explores the profound message of love conveyed in the three sacred books (Megilot) read during the festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Guided by the esteemed Rabbi Sacks, this teaching session will not only inspire you but also cultivate a deep desire to explore the depths of...

The Origins and Beginnings of Hassidism

The Origins and Beginnings of Hassidism

This is a lecture by Prof. Rachel Elior of Hebrew University. If you are interested in Kabballah, Hassidism, Zohar, and the development of esoteric spirituality in Judaism, you will find this lecture very insightful. Dr. Elior is an expert in this area. However, a disclaimer needs to follow: Dr. Elior...

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