
111 posts
Anti-Judaism as Ideology by Mika Ahuvia

Anti-Judaism as Ideology by Mika Ahuvia

This is a fairly long but very informative lecture by Dr. Mika Ahuvia from the Jewish Studies Department of the University of Washington. It focuses on the Jewish difference and how this notion has been historically perceived and treated by non-Jews. Unfortunately, this understanding gave rise to what we call...

Glimpses of Shiloh Excavation

Glimpses of Shiloh Excavation

Shiloh (שִׁלֹה) is a historic town situated in the lot of Ephraim, where Israel assembled under Joshua during the war of conquest (Joshua 18:1). It served as the location for the distribution of territories among the seven tribes that had not yet received their land allotments. A...

Should I Eat with You?

Should I Eat with You?

This is the third, final installment of the conversation between Pinchas Shir and Dr. Cyndi Parker about food and the Bible. We move into the Greco-Roman context of meals with questions regarding how Roman families ate and feasted in contrast to Jewish ways. And thinking within that context, why would...

Feasting at God's Table

Feasting at God's Table

Food shapes culture and identity, so what did it mean for the Israelites to gather and feast at God's table? In this second segment of the dialogue, Professor Pinchas Shir and Dr. Cyndi Parker discuss food and the Bible with a focus on feasting with God and the...

Food and Culture
Members Video

Food and Culture

Professor Pinchas Shir joins Dr. Cyndi Parker in dialogue about food and the Bible. What was the Israelite diet like? How does food shape cultural identity? Where do we go to look at food issues (hint: it's practically on every page!)? How did the Israelites think about animals...

How Much do You Know About the Jewish Calendar?

How Much do You Know About the Jewish Calendar?

Are you familiar with the Jewish calendar? The National Library of Israel presents an educational video that delves into the intriguing history of this calendar. By exploring their extensive collection of old and rare texts, the video offers a unique opportunity to understand the establishment, evolution, and eventual standardization of...

Sukkot Commandments and Customs
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Sukkot Commandments and Customs

This is a shiur, a recording of short thematic live and interactive teaching (broken up into 3 segments, about 50 minutes long in total). The lesson surveys the commandments and customs of the Festival of Tabernacles and examines some ancient texts that possibly reflect on the Sukkot customs practiced during...

Heshbon Nefesh: Watching Our Speech (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

Heshbon Nefesh: Watching Our Speech (~2hrs)

Delve into the profound significance of how we misuse our speech with these series of interactive devotional discussions. Join me and the live audience as we embark on a journey through the Jewish practice of Heshbon Nefesh (searching one's heart). In these lessons, we seek to examine our...

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