
111 posts
Problems in Understanding Apostle Paul
Members Video

Problems in Understanding Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul has been misunderstood for centuries. Joseph Shulam (Netivyah Institute, Jerusalem) Mark Hamilton (Professor of Old Testament, Abilene Christian University) George Goldman (Associate Dean, Lipscomb University) David Rudolph (Director of Messianic Jewish Studies, The King’s University) Mark Lanier (Moderator). Listen to the dialogue of these very informed conversational...

The Oldest Bible Manuscripts

The Oldest Bible Manuscripts

The Bible is a truly unique collection of ancient texts. Unlike other books as we know them, the Bible text is not written by a single author, but many writers over centuries. Because of this unique dynamic the Bible is based on many individual ancient scrolls and manuscripts. This short...

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)
Paid-members >SeminarsVideo

From Rabbi to Lord to Jesus (~2hrs)

Was Jesus truly a Rabbi? What did it mean to be a Rabbi in antiquity? What are some of the earliest historical references we have to rabbis? How did he go from Rabbi to Lord, and why? How did Hebrew Yeshua become English Jesus? I highlight these questions and many...

Psalm 15 in Hebrew & English

Psalm 15 in Hebrew & English

Psalm 15 asks a question about the kind of person one has to be in order to be worthy to live near to God. And then it gives us the answer! Most people would assume that it is enough to simply believe in God. According to the psalm there is...

Hanukkah Modern and Ancient

Hanukkah Modern and Ancient

Many people know what Hanukkah is like based on how it is celebrated today. But not many know how the ancient people viewed it. Hanukkah is over 2000 years old! Peek into some old perspectives on Hanukkah....

The History of Hanukkah by History Channel

The History of Hanukkah by History Channel

How much do you know about Hanukkah? Though for many today presents are involved it's not a Jewish version of Christmas. History Channel explores the traditions of Hanukkah in this short video. Learn something new or see how much you really know about the Festival of lights....

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